
All posts tagged Christ

I Believe

Published May 24, 2018 by lynn k scott

I believe in the power of prayer.  Today, I received more bad news; not about me though.  I am asking for anyone who prayers to lift up a prayer for my son.  I am feeling helpless and there’s not much I can do.


He knows what it’s about.  I just pray truth and justice are brought to light.  This family has had far too much to deal with lately.

Thank you…

New Job

Published May 18, 2018 by lynn k scott

In an effort to reduce stress in my life (for a variety of reasons), I have been looking for a new job and I found one!  I have been praying for a new position.  I had been at my previous position for over five years.  While it’s not the longest time, in today’s job market, it’s still considerable.

I left a company that had HUGE turnover (seasonal workers ‘n all) and went to a company where there is just me and another lady in the office.  The entire company has less than 20 employees.  Talk about a difference!

I do have to learn an entirely new industry, but so far it’s not too bad.  Seems I have the most technological information here.  My boss just learned to check his own emails within the past year.  Yea, I said “wow” too.  I’m so used to chaos, reporting to three or four managers, keeping all their stuff straight and keeping up on my own work.

The chaos of my Human Resources (HR) job is now behind me.  Now, I’m an office coordinator/dispatcher.  I still drink coffee, take notes and take all the new information in stride.


The best part of this job is I believe it’s an answered prayer.  My first day, my co-worker and I were speaking.  She’s a believer in Christ as well.  She told me she believes that she doesn’t follow religion, but a relationship with Him!  That’ what I, and the church I attend, believe.  This position is truly a blessing.

I have put on my HR hat already and assisted with a disability claim.  I’m reviewing their job applications for compliance and ordered some necessary documentation for the office.  I will eventually be putting a benefits program in place for the owner (one of the reasons I was hired).

My commute is 15-minutes shorter; each way.  My hours have changed, but that’s ok.  I am home two hours later every morning.  The furbabies love the new relaxed schedule.  A bonus is I am spending a third less on gas every week too!  This may not been the exact job I was looking for, however, He knew what I needed and led me to my new employer.  For that I am grateful!


Christian Youth Group

Published May 7, 2018 by lynn k scott

Last night I attended a parents’ forum for the Christian youth group my daughter goes to.  While, we don’t attend the church the group is held at, all are welcome. Most of the parents know each other from church, but several introduced themselves to the “newbie” (aka me).

I enjoyed hearing about what my daughter and the other kids were learning about.  There was a discussion on how we can communicate with our children and keep them in the faith.  I even learned about a Bible app that can connect us, but also we can pick topics to read and discuss.  I was excited!  I now what we will be using for our Bible study next year in our homeschool.  My daughter knew of the app, but chose not to tell me as she knew I would use it for our school.

Our forum ended right when they were doing the evening meal (they feed the kids dinner each week).  It was nice to sit back and watch my daughter and her friends chatting, while eating together.  I was also able to observe other kids and their parents.

We listened to the weekly message and then one of the leaders and three of the students played and sang worship songs (that anyone could join in on).

I take pride in being actively involved in my tween’s life.  I have access to her email, review her phone regularly, am on her Bible app, and her Instagram account (set up to show off her artwork).  I monitor what little social media I allow her to have.  She knows this and it’s not an issue.  I am proud I know the parents and kids she hangs around with.  I know they are positive influences and I don’t need to worry when she is around them.

The youth group is a weekly, two-hour blessing that I am grateful my daughter can be a part of.  That is her time with other kids who follow Christ.  Such a positive, safe and wonderful place for tweens and teens to get together.


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