thank you

All posts tagged thank you

Happy Anniversary…

Published December 31, 2015 by lynn k scott

To ME!!!!


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For some reason I thought I had started my blog in November of 2015.  My daughter would have a field day knowing I had yet another “memory lapse”.  Ok, so I get a few things confused here and there.  Personally, I blame the kids.  I had great memory ability until they threw my world into lovable chaos.

Ok, back to the content of this post.  Today is my one-year blogging anniversary.  I am very happy to see how many people I’ve reached and have “met”.  The opportunity to read some amazing writing has also stemmed from this blogging adventure.  No, I’m not talking about my own writing…sheesh, I’m  not that narcissistic.  (giggle) This is community has wonderful writers whom have inspired me to be a better writer, blogger and person.

To everyone who has followed me, clicked “liked”, shared or commented, and offered encouragement on my work,

thank you

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My goal for 2016 is to post more often and enjoy this blogging adventure. Who knows where it shall lead me, but I know it will be an adventure worth taking.

QOTD: Topic – Motivation

Published July 17, 2015 by lynn k scott

“Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen… yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.”  (Bradley Whitford)

The Big 200

Published May 5, 2015 by lynn k scott



What a cute little notification: “Congratulations on writing 200 posts on The Pink Herald’s Blog!”

I would like to thank all of you who have liked any of my posts, followed me and my ramblings, offered words of encouragement or rose to the occasion and opted for a good banter session.

I wouldn’t have continued if someone didn’t find my thoughts worth reading.

So again….THANK YOU ALL…..

THANK YOU!!! Blog Promo For You!

Published March 31, 2015 by lynn k scott

I just reached my 100th follower!!!

As promised, I would like to thank those of you who have supported me in some way.  Whether you are a new blogger, you comment here often, enjoy what I have to say or think I’m a loon, here is your chance….


That’s right.  Please comment with your blog address and if you’d like to give it a little intro, feel free.

Then, take a moment to check out some of the other blogs that are listed.  Who knows who your next online blog obsession might be.  Don’t deny it…we all have them.  It’s ok.  There’s some good and interesting stuff flowing from the minds of our fellow bloggers.

Hope you all have a productive day.

Thanks again!

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